TDAI faculty member Ayaz Hyder, Assistant Professor in the College of Public Health, will introduce a new class in spring 2021 to help students apply data analytics methods to address public health issues like the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has brought many challenges in delivering effective data-driven results for decision-making. Hyder hopes that his class, titled Public Health Data Analytics II, will teach students how to “overcome these challenges by learning foundational skills to ask the right questions, gain applied instruction in a wide range of data analytics methods in public health,” and more. Its sister course, Public Health Data Analytics I (PUBHLTH5015), focused on these issues as well, but this secondary course will focus on the applications of data analytics methods in the public health field, such as data visualization, data mining, statistical learning and modeling.
Course title: Public Health Data Analytics II (PUBHLTH 7015)
Primary Course Director: Ayaz Hyder
Format: Online (synchronous)
Days/times: Tuesday and Thursday, 11:10 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.