NEW DEADLINE: TDAI Call for Session Proposals - Interdisciplinary Research Fall Forum

June 20, 2024

NEW DEADLINE: TDAI Call for Session Proposals - Interdisciplinary Research Fall Forum

New deadline to submit: Friday, June 28

The Translational Data Analytics Institute invites session proposals for the 2024 Interdisciplinary Research Fall Forum, to be held November 7-8 in Pomerene Hall.

Theme: The theme of this year’s forum is AI, Policy, People and Society.

Formats: Sessions can take the format of a 90-minute workshop, or a 60-minute panel discussion that is followed by 20 minutes for Q&A and discussion.


Budget: Speakers and presenters from Ohio State will receive a letter of acknowledgement for their service. Non-OSU speakers will receive honoraria of $250 (for speakers from central Ohio or participating via Zoom), $500 (for speakers from Ohio who are not local), or $1,250 (for speakers traveling from outside Ohio). The maximum budget per session is $1,500.

How to submit: Use this link to provide the following information:

•   For a panel discussion: draft title, 250-word abstract, list of proposed speakers

•   For a workshop: draft title, 250-word abstract, draft, list of proposed presenters, draft agenda


Questions? Email Cathie Smith (smith.4420)

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