

Namrata Banerji presents research on Group Decision Making in Baboons

Short & Sweet colloquium features nine computational social science researchers

Nine members of the TDAI Computational Social Science Community of Practice gave brief introductions to their research streams at a May 4 Research Short & Sweet Colloquium hosted by CoP…

Photo of the TDAI sign outside Pomerene room 300

TDAI accepting applications for community of practice co-directors

The Translational Data Analytics Institute is accepting applications for faculty directors to co-lead its research communities of practice.

The deadline to apply: Friday, April 1, 5 p.m.…

A still from a MESO Lab model of international order formation

NSF funds Braumoeller's MESO Lab to research international conflict

Bear Braumoeller

Bear Braumoeller, professor of policitical science and co-director of TDAI's computational social science research community of…

A photo of a Columbus residential street at night

Study finds 'opiate treatment deserts' abound

Dr. Ayaz Hyder

A study lead by TDAI core faculty Ayaz Hyder was published in PLOS ONE that identified Franklin County, Ohio, neighborhoods where…