Raef Bassily

Raef Bassily

Raef Bassily

Associate Professor, Computer Science & Engineering


(614) 292-0248

Associate Professor, Computer Science and Engineering, College of Engineering

Dr. Bassily’s research focuses on tackling current challenges in data analysis and machine learning especially those with direct impact on society such as privacy and security. Most of his recent research efforts have been devoted to developing practical algorithms with rigorous guarantees for privacy-preserving data analysis. The goal of this area of research is to enable conducting highly accurate analyses over private, personal data while providing rigorous guarantees of privacy for individuals whose data are collected; that is, to achieve the seemingly paradoxical goal of learning from private data without learning private data. Dr. Bassily’s research also addresses fundamental questions concerning the tension/harmony between machine learning and privacy, and the limits of learning with formal privacy guarantees.

Department: College of Engineering
COP: Foundations of Data Science & AI CoP
Interests: algorithms cybersecurity analysis-privacy-preserving-data theory-information-and-coding learning-machine

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