

A photo of a group of antelopes walking on a savannah

Study: Larger conservation areas didn’t protect animals in central Africa

Translational Data Analytics Institute affiliate Mark Moritz, professor of anthropology, is co-author of a study that suggests efforts to protect…

A man moderates a discussion in front of an audience as panelists on Zoom display on a screen behind him

300+ Fall Forum participants explore the forefront of Data for Good, Ethically

More than 300 attendees and presenters at the forefront of data science and analytics in society examined challenges and opportunities around "Data for Good, Ethically" at the …

A photo of a room with research posters displayed on the walls and people discussion the posters

Three teams awarded at TDAI Fall Forum poster session

Seoeun (Sunny) Yang accepting first-place prize at the 2021 TDAI Fall Forum (photo by Bear Braumoeller)

Nearly 30 presenters participated at the…

An abstract illustration with lots of arrows, representing many sources of information streams

NSF funds Parthasarathy team for sensemaking tools

Translational Data Analytics Institute director Srinivasan Parthasarathy is principal investigator on an interdisciplinary team funded by an NSF award as part of the Convergence…

The sensor tower and trailer at the OSU Airport

TDAI hosts NEON-sponsored environmental sensor tower

Team members at the tower site (from left) Dr. Anish Arora, chair and professor, computer science and engineering; Dr. Huyen Le, assistant professor,…
Photo of the TDAI sign outside Pomerene room 300

Student job opportunities at TDAI

TDAI is hiring students for a variety of positions in the 2021-22 school year that will help support the work of our 220+ faculty affiliates from 15 colleges. Shift schedules will be…

A Zoom image of a summer camp student holding the model of a brain she created

TDAI Summer Camp Hosts 58 Students from Three States

Ohio State’s fourth annual Data Science for Women Summer Camp concluded July 16 with a record number of attendees.  Hosted by the Translational Data Analytics Institute, the camp—which is 100…

Ohio State Garden of Constants

NSF funds 2 institutes led by TDAI affiliates to expand artificial intelligence research

Ohio State joins national network focused on AI-based technologies

The Ohio State University is now the home base of two new federally funded institutes…

Photo of the TDAI sign outside Pomerene room 300

Applications due July 28: TDAI Faculty Leadership Team Opportunities

The Translational Data Analytics Institute seeks to grow its faculty Leadership Team with the addition of co-leads for its research communities of practice (CoPs) that contribute to driving team…