Ping Zhang

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Ping Zhang

Associate Professor, Biomedical Informatics and Computer Science & Engineering

Assistant Professor, Biomedical Informatics, College of Medicine, and Computer Science and Engineering, College of Engineering

Dr. Zhang’s research focuses on machine learning and data mining and their applications to biomedical informatics and computational medicine. He has published more than 40 papers and filed more than 25 patents. He received the IBM master inventor award in 2018, ESWC best in-use/industrial paper award in 2016, and AMIA Marco Ramoni distinguished paper nomination in 2014. Dr. Zhang is an ACM Distinguished Speaker and IEEE Senior Member.

Department: College of Medicine
Interests: informatics-biomedical mining-data learning-machine algorithms computer-science-and-engineering data-big learning-statistical mining-scalable-data mining-text modeling-predictive analytics-data models-generalized-linear-mixed informatics-health time-serie

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